Wine Bar
We are pleased to fulfil your wish even before you think of it.
Gourmet Restaurant Silvio Nickol

We cordially invite you to
book your table now

When you make your booking, please inform us of any food allergies or intolerances you may have so that we can prepare for them and you can have a very pleasant evening here with us. A vegetarian alternative of the menu is available upon request.

Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to your visit!
Your team from the Silvio Nickol Gourmetrestaurant
Restaurant Clementine

We cordially invite you to
book your table now

Coburgbastei 4, 1010 Vienna, Austria, +43 1 518 18 - 130
Monday to Sunday, from 7.oo am to 1o.3o pm
When you make your booking, please inform us of any food allergies or intolerances you may have so that we can prepare for them and you can have a very pleasant evening here with us.


nemini male! To our health, and no ill will to anyone: The Palais Coburg Wine Book, an extensive bar menu and delicious snacks.
The wine bar, furnished in red and green leather and elm wood, is a cozy, versatile space and offers an impressive view of the High Casemate. Enjoy relaxed hours with cocktails and snacks or a selection from one of the best wine lists in the world. Whether you are a connoisseur or an amateur - you are sure to find what you are looking for on our wine list and, as a special highlight, selected wine rarities are also offered by the glass.

Unique wines
from one of the
largest collections
in Europe. 1 518 18 - 130

Monday - Saturday
05:00 PM to 12:00 PM 1 518 18 - 130

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